Age UK day centre needs volunteer drivers

Volunteer Drivers needed!  The Nettlebed Good Companions is a club run by Age UK Oxfordshire for the over 60’s where we offer a variety of activities and support people to have an enjoyable day in a safe environment.  The club is also dementia friendly. We are looking for some volunteer drivers to bring clients into the club, based at the Sue Ryder home, each Friday and to return them home at the end of the day.  The club runs from 10 am to 2.30pm and clients live in Nettlebed and the surrounding villages.  Some clients have mobility issues so a larger car is desirable for some clients.  A DBS check will be required.  Please do contact me if you may be able to help.  Thank you – Hayley Thorne 07827 235459 or email
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Mixed Netball Charity Tournament

Mixed Netball Charity Tournament raised over £500 for the Sue Ryder Hospice last week. Over 80 people turned up at Nettlebed School, and a great night was had by all. A huge thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes, offered their facilities, supported and played. If you would like more info on Nettlebed Netball Group, please contact Lou Porter 07855 057794...
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Elton John at the Club; Planning.

Don't forget the Elton John Tribute Show at the Club on Saturday night. Doors open 8pm, tickets £13.50. or £12.50. In advance from the bar (evenings) 01491 641617 The council has received a planning application, reference P17/S3199/HH, for development work at the following location: Crocker End House Crocker End. The application is for: Single storey extension and internal alterations. You can see details of the application on our website by clicking this link ...
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Nettlebed Christmas Fair 24th November

 Nettlebed Christmas fair is back again this year after last years great success. We have an exciting variety of stalls booked in selling local produce, gifts, decorations crafts and much more. Most importantly, there will be a Santa's grotto.   If you would like a stall or for more details please email Friday 24th November 1-7pm at Nettlebed Village Club, Hight Street, Nettlebed, Oxfordshire, RG9 5DD...
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Nettlebed Coinage

Nettlebed minted its own coinage in the 17th century. The turmoil of the English Civil War 1642-1651 caused a shortage of small coinage such as farthings and halfpennies (pr. ha’pennies) which had stopped being minted by the Government.  This was a problem for local tradesmen, particularly alehouse keepers. To counter the shortage “token money” was produced in many towns and villages such as Henley and Nettlebed and for twenty-four years 1648-1672 the currency of these privately issued tokens, defined as “money of necessity”, was not challenged by the authorities. Tokens were issued in Henley and other larger villages by many traders between 1669 and 1672 who were required to pay a local tax based on the number of smelting “hearths” they operated. The taxation records show that two tokens were issued in Nettlebed, with its busy coaching inns and thirsty brick and pottery workers. David Gasquon at The Bull paid tax on ten hearths in 1665 and Timothy Holding at The White...
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History of Nettlebed

Early history The origin of the name Nettlebed is unknown. There are various theories. One is that Roman soldiers in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD rubbed nettles on their limbs to keep warm on marches. Another well known fact is that nettles yield a thread which can be made into a linen cloth. Many homes at the end of the 18th century had sheets and table cloths made from nettles which grow in abundance around the area. Nettlebed remained part of the manor of Benson until the late 13th century hence it was not mentioned in the  Domesday Book which was a record of the ownership of manorial land. Nettlebed has been an inhabited area for centuries and many middle Stone age implements found in earthworks in a Highmoor trench are now in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. At Digberry farm there are little-known remains of a Roman encampment with squared ramparts reaching as high as fifteen feet in places. Grimm's...
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New charges for waste from 1st October

CHANGES TO DIY CHARGING AT HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING CENTRES From Sunday 1st October 2017 the charges for non-household waste disposal will change at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre. To find out more please visit: You will still be able to dispose of all household waste free of charge at any the county's House Waste Recycling Centres. What is non-household or DIY waste? As a general rule, non-household or DIY waste items are materials created from the construction, demolition, alternation or repair of a home or garden. For example, sink, bath, kitchen unit, radiator, fence panel, bag of soil or rubble etc. However, plasterboard will only be accepted at Redbridge, Dix Pit and Ardley Fields. How do I pay? By cash, by debit card or credit card....
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Chilterns Walking festival 16th Sept to 1st Oct

The Chilterns Walking festival is back for its second festival, running from Saturday 16th September – Sunday 1st October 2017. The festival invites experienced and novice walkers alike to explore the landscapes, locations and legends of The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There is a fantastic selection of 70 walks and events which are now live and bookable on-line. Highlights include: A fascinating walk taking in Chequers and The Ridgeway National Trail, combined with meeting the local farmer, refreshments and a visit to Buckmoorend Farm Shop. A private tour of the Lacey Green windmill restored by the Chiltern Society, followed by a beautiful circular walk around the Lacey Green area with stunning views, passing through quiet valleys. Brakspear beer, beechwoods and brewing walk through classic beech woodlands and along ancient drovers routes followed by a free tour of the micro-brewery at the end of the walk Meander through the...
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The Shee: Nettlebed Folk Club, Monday 9 October 2017

CANCELLED In January 2016, six-piece contemporary folk ensemble, The Shee, launched Continuum at Celtic Connections. Continuum proved more than just an album: the project was conceived to celebrate the band's tenth anniversary and saw each member of the band invite their favourite folk legend to compose an original piece of music with the band in mind. The result was a fantastic live show, incorporating music written for the band by Andy Cutting, Brian Finnegan, Karine Polwart, Martin Simpson, Kathryn Tickell and Chris Wood, and later, an album. Now, after rave reviews, two high profile tours and summer festivals, The Shee is ready to wave it a fond farewell, with four celebratory gigs in October. The band will kick off at Nettlebed on Monday 9 October. Tickets are £15 and can be reserved using the booking form found online:
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