2024 Comet and HandyBus Shopping Trips to Henley – stopping at Waitrose/Tesco/Town Hall decided by passengers on the day

  • Comet Bus on 1st and 3rd Thursdays
  • HandyBus trips available on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month
    (extra Comet Bus trips added from Jan-March dates are included below)

Comet Bus starts picking up passengers from 10.30am and the Handy Bus from 9.30. Both offer a home/driveway pickup.
• Number of passengers will be a maximum of 14 persons
• Current Bus pass must be shown
• Bookings to be made, in advance with Claire Harwood (via email above or phone: 01491 640805)

Claire will manage the bookings fairly which will allow regular users and new users an opportunity to visit the shops to do their own shopping, subject to availability.

JANUARYThursday 4thTuesday 9th
Thursday 18thTuesday 23rd
FEBRUARYThursday 1stTuesday 13th
Thursday 8thTuesday 27th
Thursday 22nd
MARCHThursday 7thTuesday 12th
Thursday 21stTuesday 26th
APRILThursday 4thTuesday 9th
Thursday 18thTuesday 23rd
MAYThursday 2ndTuesday 14th
Thursday 9thTuesday 28th
Thursday 23rd
JUNEThursday 6thTuesday 11th
Thursday 20thTuesday 25th
JULYThursday 4thTuesday 9th
Thursday 18thTuesday 23rd
AUGUSTThursday 1stTuesday 13th
Thursday 8thTuesday 27th
Thursday 22nd
SEPTEMBERThursday 5thTuesday 10th
Thursday 19thTuesday 24th
OCTOBERThursday 3rdTuesday 8th
Thursday 17thTuesday 22nd
Thursday 31st
NOVEMBERThursday 7thTuesday 12th
Thursday 21stTuesday 26th
DECEMBERThursday 5thTuesday 10th
Thursday 19th

A few details about the services:

  • Free shopping trip service twice a month to Henley with pick up and return
    from passenger’s doorsteps.
  • Passengers need to sign up for the coming week by noon on the Sunday
    before travel.
  • Address details, phone number and postcode will need to be supplied at the
    time of booking.
  • Claire will liaise with the bus driver to give number of passengers, pick up
    locations and suggested route.
  • The service is aimed at people that are unable to drive for one reason or
    another (don’t drive, don’t own a car or have a medical condition which
    means they cannot drive).
  • A current bus pass is required to travel.
  • Both the Comet and Handy-bus will stop in Henley at Waitrose car park
    and/or drop off at Tesco, Henley. Details decided by the passengers on
    each trip.
  • The Comet Bus offers a service on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
    However, where there is a 5th Tuesday in a month, the Comet can be
    booked for additional journeys on a Thursday, with prior arrangement.
    These dates have been included in the above timetable for 2023 trips and
    are highlighted in red.
  • The Handy-bus runs it’s fortnightly service on Tuesdays (2nd and 4th of each

    Further information please email Sue Abbott at susan@theabbotts.co.uk
    (07968870408) or telephone Claire Harwood 01491 640805.