966 (Wallingford) Sqn Air Cadets are currently looking for new adult volunteers to join their team! As an adult volunteer, the Air Cadets can offer you exciting opportunities, skills and qualifications – we are always keen to welcome new adult volunteers to our ranks, either in uniform or as a Civilian Instructor, all we ask is a few hours of your time each week.

After your initial training and checks to enable you to work with young people, we will start to develop your skills, so don’t worry that you don’t know much about the activities we offer – we just ask you to be keen to learn and to do your best for the cadets at all times.

Once you have become an accredited member of staff, more specialised courses become available – these include adventure training, sports, shooting and professional skills. Volunteering in the cadet movement could even lead to a recognised qualification in youth leadership and training. There is a Volunteer Induction Night once a month at our Wing HQ in Abingdon – why not go along and meet some of our staff, and find out what opportunities are available to you?

Many people want to get involved but don’t think they have the time to spare due to work and other commitments. If this sounds familiar then don’t worry, there’s room for you too. Each Squadron has a Civilian Committee which oversees the running of the Squadron, manages social events and fund raising activities. Committees meet at least once per quarter and are a vital part of the Squadron team. There are no minimum requirements for joining a committee, just lots of enthusiasm.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of the adult volunteering roles, or if you would like to attend a Volunteer Induction Evening, please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing oc.966@aircadets.org – please also visit our website at 966atc@aircadets.org, to see what you could be doing with your free time!

Joanne Jefferiss
Officer Commanding