General Election 2019
On Thursday 12 December 2019 you can vote to elect an MP to represent your local area in parliament. Here’s some useful information about the election:
Voter registration
To vote on 12 December, you need to be registered by 26 November. If you’re not registered at your current address visit to ensure you are eligible to vote.
If you have moved house since you last registered you will need to register again.
Polling cards
If you registered to vote by 4 November, you should receive your poll card by 20 November – if you don’t receive it by this date please call our Elections team on 01235 422528 to make sure you are still registered.
If you registered after 4 November you should receive your poll card by 3 December.
Postal and proxy voting
Postal vote applications need to reach our Elections team by 5pm on 26 November – application forms are available at
If you apply for a postal vote you should receive your ballot pack by 6 December – if it doesn’t arrive by this date please contact our Elections team on 01235 422528 to request a replacement.
Important – due to the short timescales involved, we cannot guarantee when people will receive their postal ballot pack, therefore if you are likely to be away after 6 December you should consider applying for a proxy vote instead to guarantee you’re able to vote. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm on 4 December. To find out more please visit
Who you can vote for
To find out who you can vote in this election please use our general election postcode search.
More information
For more on the general election please visit