Happy to say that as of today, Friday, July 24th, Nettlebed Playground is open!
We thank all residents for their patience and understanding as we prepared this playground for a safe re-opening.
In line with government guidelines regarding the re-opening of playgrounds, please note the following in relation to the re-opening of the play area:
• Sanitise hands before entering and on leaving
• Try not to touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth, or put your mouth on equipment.
• Follow the current social distance and government guidelines when visiting and encourage children to do the same
• Limit your time and only one adult to accompany a child/children
• If possible, clean high frequency touch points before using the equipment
• Do not eat or drink in the play area
• Put your litter in the bins provided but ideally take your litter home with you
• If possible, a face covering should be worn (this does not apply to children under 3 years)
• If the playground is busy, please consider coming back later
The equipment is not sanitised, users should wipe down surfaces before play – we advise users to use a 70% or higher alcohol-based sanitiser.
Stay safe and enjoy!
Nettlebed Parish Council