
March 2019

Brendan Bailey was Rector in these parishes and he and his family formed many deep and lasting relationships. I want to thank Brendan for his ministry in these parishes.

The last few years of Brendan’s ministry in these benefices were especially difficult for a variety of reasons and Brendan became ill. The Diocese and Brendan are seeking to work together to learn for the future benefit of the Church from this situation.

Following appropriate treatment, Brendan is now making a recovery. The Bailey family has been worshipping at St Mary’s, Purley-on-Thames since June 2017 and from last summer, Brendan has been officially exercising his ministry.

Brendan has been licensed as an Associate Minister at St Mary’s Church, Purley from 1 March 2019 and will be working alongside the Rector, Revd David Archer.

I hope you will join me in praying for Brendan in this new chapter of his ministry and also for Lucy, Elinor and Ben.

Bishop Steven

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