Nettlebed Parish Council have two Councillor vacancies.
Would you like to influence decisions that affect your community?
You need to be willing to give up some of your time. How much depends on you and your commitment to work for your community without being paid.
Parish Council meets once a month (except August & December) usually on the first Tuesday of the month at the Village Club.
Meetings normally last around 1-2 hours.
You must be 18 or over, an elector and have been a resident or worked within 3 mils of the Parish for the last year. If you would like to be considered, please contact Jo Pugh, Parish Clerk at parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk.
For more information go to:
What is a Parish Council and Why become a Parish Councillor
If you are interested, in the role, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details: parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk / 01491 614815
Contact: parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk / 01491 614815 for more details