Nettlebed Parish Council have been offered the use of sign cleaning equipment. It’s fairly basic – a long-handled brush with two heads (one like a cloth, the other a brush), it will reach the highways road signs. There is also a back-pack style water carrier (the type designed for spraying weed-killer).
Only the signs alongside 30mph unclassified roads can be cleaned, but we can clean both highways signs eg. speed limit signs or warning signs and information signs eg. Village Hall (directional sign) and street names.
It would be great to get 6 or more volunteers to share the load over the next few weeks – it can be done at a time that suits you.
If you’re willing to clean some of the signs in the village, please contact the Parish Clerk either by phone or email – we may be able to get the equipment in time for the Litter Pick this Saturday!
Jo Pugh, Parish Clerk
parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk / 07554 810736