A total of 16 volunteers and Parish Councillors turned out on Saturday to rake four verges that have been designated as wildflower verges in Nettlebed. The project is supported by the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment with funding from Grundon Waste Management Ltd.
It was a good turnout and everyone got stuck in, it was quite heavy work as the ground needed to be raked to break up the soil ready for the planting native wildflower plugs in late March – we’re aiming for after the last frost. The volunteers were all issued with hi-viz which were kindly donated by Grundon – they were even printed with ‘Nettlebed wildflower project’ on the back! The wildflower verges will help support biodiversity by allowing bees, butterflies and other species to thrive…and they will look stunning too!
Nettlebed Parish Council wanted to do something to help tackle climate change – the verges won’t be cut during the summer months to allow the wildflowers and grasses to reach maturity and provide local species with food and habitat. As part of the initiative, beekeeping is permitted on the Parish Council allotment, although no one has taken it up as yet – honey bees are pollinators and play a critical role in the biodiversity of our natural environment.
If you are interested in helping to plant the wildflower plugs, please contact amanda.foister@nettlebed-pc.org.uk
Clllr. Amanda Foister