History of Nettlebed

Early history The origin of the name Nettlebed is unknown. There are various theories. One is that Roman soldiers in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD rubbed nettles on their limbs to keep warm on marches. Another well known fact is that nettles yield a thread which can be made into a linen cloth. Many homes at the end of the 18th century had sheets and table cloths made from nettles which grow in abundance around the area. Nettlebed remained part of the manor of Benson until the late 13th century hence it was not mentioned in the  Domesday Book which was a record of the ownership of manorial land. Nettlebed has been an inhabited area for centuries and many middle Stone age implements found in earthworks in a Highmoor trench are now in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. At Digberry farm there are little-known remains of a Roman encampment with squared ramparts reaching as high as fifteen feet in places. Grimm's...
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Garden waste scheme changes – South Oxfordshire District Council

From 1 April 2025 we will be introducing a permit scheme which will change the way that you pay for your garden waste collection. This also means that your payment date will change.You’ll be able to purchase your new permit from the end of February. What residents need to do: • From late February, visit www.southandvale.gov.uk/GardenWastePermit to make a one-off, annual payment for garden waste collections. • When you receive the permit in the post, you must to stick it to the lid of your brown bin. When we move to the new permit system we will no longer collect bins that do not display the year's permit sticker. Garden waste customers can also sign up for an online account on the SODC website to make things easier when they purchase the next permit in 2026. Anyone who cannot easily signup for a permit online can call SODC on 01235 422422 for support. Visit the New Garden Waste FAQ page for more information and PLEASE let SODC...
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Cost of Living Payments Scan

This message is being shared on behalf of Oxfordshire Trading Standards - sent wider to keep those we support safe.   Cost of Living payments scam There are Criminals (scammers) attempting to get personal information from residents by sending out texts suggesting that residents are eligible for Cost of Living payments. If you have had a message asking you to apply or contact someone about the Cost of living payment, this might be a scam.   If you are eligible for Cost of Living payments: • you'll be paid automatically • you do not need to apply for payment • you do not need to call or speak to anyone • please check spelling , Grammar, punctuation. • The use of Language.   An example of the type of text message you may receive. “ Please note that after deliberation by the government, it has been decided that the Living allowance from 2023 to 2024 will be fully applied and...
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Shedquarters is now open

It’s been a slow process getting the project started but it’s finally open and is welcoming people along.  The main purpose of the Shed is to help improve the well-being and loneliness of mainly men but women too.  The Shed is equipped with a huge range of wood and metal working tools for people to be trained on (or show their experience) and make their own projects or take part in community projects.  There’s tea and coffee provided and an experienced team of day leaders to share their knowledge. It’s a welcome place to meet new friends and learn new skills or share your own experiences.  Or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea. Please check the website for more information.https://shedquarters.org.uk/ ...
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Nettlebed and District Good Neighbour Scheme

Coffee Mornings Third Tuesday of each month, join us for coffee, tea, cake and sausage rolls - just turn up at Nettlebed Village Club. Price: £1 per personTime: 10.15 - 11.30 am - no booking required Lunch Club First Tuesday of each month. A two course lunch with tea/coffee at the Nettlebed Village Club. Price: £5 per personTime: 12.00 for 12.30pm - Booking EssentialContact Sue Abbott: 07968 870408 Shopping trips Handybus and Comet Bus to Henley – fortnightly (alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays). This service is for those who do not have access to private or public transport and is provided free thanks to the support from Parish Councils and Grant funding. Booking EssentialContact Claire: 01491 640805 Transport Do you need a lift to your medical appointment (or to attendLunch/Coffee)? Contact Wendy: 01491 641597 Can you help offer some time to drive people to their appointments? Call Wendy: 01491 641597 ...
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Make sure your blanket is safe to use this winter. Join Us and bring a friend for free refreshments and information about keeping safe and well. BOOKING INFORMATION. To book your safety check appointmentCall: 01865 895999, Option 3 or Email: duty.officer@oxfordshire.gov.uk.Online Booking: https://service.oxfordshire.gov.uk/blankettesting(Pre-booked appointments only on a strictly first come first served basis) Limited collections from your house for those who are unable to get to us.Please tell them when you make your booking that you need a collection SEPTEMBER 2024Monday 16th Oxford CityTuesday 17th South OxfordshireWednesday 18th CherwellThursday 19th West OxfordshireFriday 20th Vale of White HorseMonday 30th Oxford City OCTOBER 2024Tuesday 1st South OxfordshireWednesday 2nd CherwellThursday 3rd West OxfordshireFriday 4th Vale of White Horse ...
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Climate Change Survey

Climate Outreach at Oxfordshire County Council are working on a climate engagement plan across Oxfordshire to further action on carbon reduction and climate resilience at a local level.  Thank you for your support in supporting the process this far. The Climate Engagement Survey is now live and we need your help to get as many responses from across the county as possible.  Please click below: Climate Action Survey: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices | Let's Talk Oxfordshire What should I do now? Click on the survey link above and answer the questions. Tell your friends, neighbours and local groups about this survey. Post it on your social media for your online communities in Oxfordshire. ...
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