Nettlebed Quiz Team is looking for new members
Nettlebed and the South Oxfordshire Village quiz League
Throughout the autumn and winter months up to about May, various villages in South Oxfordshire compete in friendly quizzes.
Currently Nettlebed is very short of players for various reasons but mostly due to Covid shielding. Matches are either home or away. Games this season have been played with fewer per side, 5 people instead of 6 and fewer rounds of questions, but next autumn this will revert to the original format.
Each person has their own question for 2 points or it is passed to a team member for 1 point. A wrong answer is passed to the opposing team for 1 point.
Matches are arranged by the organiser as and when village halls, opposing teams and the question master are available but usually a week day evening excluding Fridays. There is a tea break in the middle for socialising.
This is a fun thing to do with questions from all fields of knowledge: sport, television, music,...
Notice of Meeting – Annual Parish Meeting – Tues, 22nd March at 7.30pm
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held at the Nettlebed Village Club (small hall) on Tuesday, 22nd March 2022 at 7.30pm
This is a free event for ALL Nettlebed residents.
Pop in or stay for a while.
Older Drivers Forum Highway Code Free Webinars
In March, the Older Driver's Forum will be carrying out online webinars about the recent changes to the Highway Code. Do you know what the changes are? Do you have questions about the changes?Alongside speakers from various agencies, PC Liz Johnson, of the Road Safety Team will be on the panel to answer your questions. These webinars are scheduled for: Thursday 10 March at 2pm Monday 14 March at 7pm To register for a place, please visit the Older Drivers Forum website at The webinars will be recorded, so once places have all gone you will be able to watch the webinar on this page a couple of days later:
Nettlebed Annual Litter Pick – Saturday, 9th April
Nettlebed's Annual Spring Clean & Litter Blitz will take place this year on Saturday 9th April. Meet at the Community Car Park at 10am.
Once again, The White Hart will be offering free tea, coffee and sandwiches to volunteers after the litter pick. If you would like to go, speak to Jo Pugh, Parish Clerk on the day so numbers can be passed on to The White Hart.
Allotments Available
Ever wanted to grow your own fruit and veg?
The Parish Council currently have plots available! If you are interested, please contact the Parish Clerk - details below.
Allotments plots cost £15 p/a
Contact: Jo PughEmail: 01491 614815
Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Cookley Green, B481 (Jct Howe Road with Park Corner) – 3rd March – 9th March 2022
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Cookley Green, B481 (Jct Howe Road with Park Corner)
In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road and impose a ‘No Waiting’ restriction as detailed above to facilitate patching works.
A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 03 March 2022 up to and including 09 March 2022. This will operate between 07:30 and 16:30 week days only. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and restriction and will operate on the days shown above.
Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Tim Belton,...
Traffic Survey is now closed
Thank you to everyone who completed / or helped someone else to complete the Traffic Survey. The Survey is now closed.
146 residents responded and the data provides strong evidence that residents have concerns about the speed of traffic through the village – and are generally in support of reducing the speed limit.
You can see the Survey Results here
The Parish Council will now proceed with the OCC application to join the 20mph scheme.
At the end of the survey, 32 residents expressed an interest in being more involved with the Parish Council. The Clerk will be in touch with those people to find out their areas of interest and what kind of projects they’d like to be involved in.
If you would like to join the Parish Council or help with community projects, please contact:
Jo Pugh, Parish Clerk
Nettlebed and District 2022 Coffee & Lunch Dates
Nettlebed and District Good Neighbours Scheme is delighted to welcome people back to our coffee mornings and lunches.
It has been a difficult time and many people have felt lonely or isolated - this is a great opportunity to meet up with others and make new friends.
We also are looking for more volunteers to drive people from their homes (if needed), make cakes, help to serve refreshments, washing up etc. if you are able to help, please contact
20mph for Nettlebed?
Do you think that traffic goes through Nettlebed too fast?
If so, this is your chance to do something about it. Recently, Oxfordshire County Council endorsed plans to make it simpler to lower speeds to 20mph in most urban areas and on village streets where it’s supported by residents. Many Nettlebed residents have already shown their support for a reduction in traffic speed with “20’s Plenty” stickers displayed on wheelie bins on the High Street and Watlington Street. Pupils at Nettlebed Community School have also designed their own 20mph posters in support of a reduced speed limit near the school.
The County Council needs evidence that this change has strong community support, so to get the views of all residents Nettlebed Parish Council have created a simple survey below - if you haven't already completed the survey or can help a friend/neighbour who would like to respond, please click on the link to let us know what you think:
Traffic Survey