Coffee Mornings
Third Tuesday of each month, join us for coffee, tea, cake and sausage rolls – just turn up at Nettlebed Village Club.
Price: £1 per person
Time: 10.15 – 11.30 am – no booking required
Lunch Club
First Tuesday of each month. A two course lunch with tea/coffee at the Nettlebed Village Club.
Price: £5 per person
Time: 12.00 for 12.30pm – Booking Essential
Contact Sue Abbott: 07968 870408
Shopping trips
Handybus and Comet Bus to Henley – fortnightly (alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays).
This service is for those who do not have access to private or public transport and is provided free thanks to the support from Parish Councils and Grant funding.
Booking Essential
Contact Claire: 01491 640805
Do you need a lift to your medical appointment (or to attend
Contact Wendy: 01491 641597
Can you help offer some time to drive people to their
appointments? Call Wendy: 01491 641597