Would you like to make a difference in your community? We need you!
At the moment, Nettlebed Parish Council have five members (out of a possible eight) making decisions on behalf of all Nettlebed residents. That’s a lot of responsibility resting on the shoulders of just five people!
We are calling out to the community for three new co-opted members – in particular, people who are:
interested in the school and playarea or
have a head for finances, or are
passionate about the environment, or are
interested in planning, or are simply
interested in making Nettlebed an even better place to live!
Whether you’re a seasoned resident, or relatively new to Nettlebed, if you have a couple of spare hours a week, we would welcome your enthusiasm and fresh perspective.
Interested? Contact the Clerk for a chat on 01491 614815 or email parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk for an application form, or download APPLICATION FORM.
To hear about what’s going on in our community from local groups and organisations, please come along to the...
Once again, we had an amazing group of volunteers turn out for the Annual Litter Pick - and at least three more joined in the effort! It's heartwarming to see our community coming together to make a difference.
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped to keep our village clean and beautiful. Let's keep up the fantastic work! #CommunitySpirit#LitterFreeVillage
If you spot any fly tipping, you can report it on FixMyStreet.com
SAVE THE DATE! The Annual Parish Meeting (not a Parish Council meeting) is being held on 14th May at 7pm in the Village Club (Small Hall). This is an informal event, and your chance to hear updates from some village clubs and groups, the Citizens Advice Bureau, local businesses, and an update from the Parish Council. Plus, enjoy some wine and nibbles while you catch up with fellow members of the community. Look forward to seeing you!
If you would you, or your group/organisation would like to speak, or to submit a...
Advance Warning
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Road Closure, “No Waiting” and One Way Suspension Restriction at Watlington, B4009 Britwell Road / B480 Brook Street / B480 Inghams Lane & B4009 Couching Street
Advance notice - overnight road closure for resurfacing and line marking works.
24th May - 7th June 8pm-6am.
Watlington: This will be from Ingham Lane through Brook Street and to Britwell Road. Spring Lane will be temporarily 2 way so residents can gain access. Nettlebed will be a diversion route.Drawing showing Diversion Route. Red is closure, yellow is closure without works and green and blue are the diversion routes
In the interests of public safety it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close a section of / the length of B4009 Britwell Road / B480 Brook Street / B480 Inghams Lane & B4009 Couching Street to facilitate the resurfacing of the carriageway and the subsequent reinstatement of all road markings and lines works /...
The annual litter pick will take place on 23rd March at 10am. Meet at the Community Car Park. Litter pickers and hi-viz jackets will be available for Adults and Children.
Age UK Oxfordshire will be holding four Digital Clinics for patients of the Nettlebed Surgery. The aim is to support patients to get online safely, develop their online skills and build their confidence. An Age Uk Oxfordshire Scams Awareness adviser will also be available to speak to at each session.
These sessions are free of charge and are being held at the Fish Centre, 83 Lea Road, Sonning Common, RG4 9LJ on the below dates.
Tuesday 13th & Thursday 22nd February 2 - 4pm
Tuesday 12th & Thursday 21st March, 12pm - 2pm
Contact us for more information and to book your space:01235 849 434community@ageukoxfordshire.org.ukwww.ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire
Nettlebed Parish Council has THREE Parish Councillor vacancies
Your Parish Council really does need you!
Nettlebed Parish Council has eight seats, but only five members - this puts a lot of responsibility on just five people. If you have a couple of hours a week spare, and are interested in making Nettlebed an even better place to live, please do get in touch with the Parish Clerk either by phone 07307 641077, email: parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk or come along to a meeting – the next one is at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 9th January at the Village Club (small hall).
Would you like to make a positive difference in our village?
Would you like to influence decisions that affect your community?
You need to be willing to give up some of your time. How much depends on you and your commitment to work for your community without being paid.
The Parish Council meets once a month (except August & December) usually on the first Tuesday of the month...
2024 Comet and HandyBus Shopping Trips to Henley - stopping at Waitrose/Tesco/Town Hall decided by passengers on the day
Comet Bus on 1st and 3rd Thursdays
HandyBus trips available on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month(extra Comet Bus trips added from Jan-March dates are included below)
Comet Bus starts picking up passengers from 10.30am and the Handy Bus from 9.30. Both offer a home/driveway pickup.• Number of passengers will be a maximum of 14 persons• Current Bus pass must be shown• Bookings to be made, in advance with Claire Harwood (via email above or phone: 01491 640805)
Claire will manage the bookings fairly which will allow regular users and new users an opportunity to visit the shops to do their own shopping, subject to availability.
2024COMET BUSHANDY BUSJANUARYThursday 4thTuesday 9thThursday 18thTuesday 23rdFEBRUARYThursday 1stTuesday 13thThursday 8thTuesday 27thThursday 22ndMARCHThursday 7thTuesday 12thThursday 21stTuesday 26thAPRILThursday 4thTuesday 9thThursday 18thTuesday 23rdMAYThursday 2ndTuesday 14thThursday 9thTuesday 28thThursday 23rdJUNEThursday 6thTuesday 11thThursday 20thTuesday 25thJULYThursday 4thTuesday 9thThursday 18thTuesday 23rdAUGUSTThursday 1stTuesday 13thThursday 8thTuesday 27thThursday 22ndSEPTEMBERThursday 5thTuesday...
If your child was born on or between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you need to apply for a primary school place now.
You must still apply even if your child already attends a nursery attached to the school.
Deadline for applications is 15 January 2024
APPLY ONLINE AT www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
it’s quick, easy and secure.
You can get free access to the internet at many of our libraries and children’s centres – ask for details at your local facility.
For help and information:
Web: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
Email: admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Tel: 0345 241 2487
Draft Minutes for the Full Council meeting held on 7th November.
The next full council meeting is on 9th January.
The Parish Council currently has three vacant seats. If you think you would like to become a member and help to make Nettlebed an even better place to live in, please contact the Clerk for more information.parish.clerk@nettlebed-pc.org.uk